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Welcome to Xdoulos Ministries!
What is "Xdoulos"?
Xdoulos comes from Greek: the "X" comes from the first letter of the Greek word for "Christ's", Χριστοῦ, and "doulos" comes from the Greek word for servant, δοῦλος. Therefore, "Xdoulos" means "Christ's Servant".What is Xdoulos Ministries?
Our purpose is to provide students of the Bible with assistance in exegetical and theological studies. Our goal is to help God's servants fulfill 2 Timothy 2:15:Be diligent to present yourself to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth.
How can Xdoulos Ministries serve you?
Xdoulos administers the Disciple's Bible Institute.What you will find on this site:
- A blog with posts such as book reviews, ministry news, scripture meditations, exegetical studies, and more.
- A forum for students to discuss issues in detail.
- Information about the Disciple's Bible Institute.
- Downloads of various media for students.
- A biography of Xdoulos.
- A Ministry news summary.